mardi 20 février 2007

European Adventure

Set out on a journey of a life-time and consider what you’re going to be telling your grandkids. It’s for sure that they will be certainly intrigued by their old pap’s adventures in the lovely south of France. And slightly descending from the fairy-tale tone of this article, I am going to tell you what kind of adventure the Foundry poses for you, relentless riders of our digital era. The Foundry is committed to providing best resource access to its fellow students, may them be a part of the Fellowship or the Leadership programs. And by resources we mean all kinds of them : informational, technological, human and last but not least, material. We provide the set and we are welcoming the talented actors. Behold, the scene is yours!
SigEx Ventures is a private investment fund focused exclusively on the emerged Enhanced Communications industry. The Foundry is a revolutionary training, research and development center co-founded by Christopher Cantell and Frederic Artru.
by Silvia Baldin

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