mardi 20 février 2007

The Foundry takes you to a new level

Do I detect a sparkle there in your left-eye corner? Good, it means you get the feeling of having hit a jackpot. Because being selected as a fellow student within the Foundry feels just like that fuzzy-tingly sensation you get when you instantly know you’re a winner.
So, in order for you to experience the unique flavor of an imminent success, do yourself a favor and send your updated resume and a short motivation to recruiter@, and mention you are applying for either the Fellowship or the Leadership Program.
Also, go ahead and nibble on more information about us by accessing

See you inside!

SigEx Ventures is a private investment fund focused exclusively on the emerged Enhanced Communications industry. The Foundry is a revolutionary training, research and development center co-founded by Christopher Cantell and Frederic Artru.
by Silvia Baldin

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