lundi 25 février 2008

Chris Cantell annouces Ariane 5 finally in space

It was yesterday evening, when an Ariane 5 ECA launcher lifted off from Europe's spaceport in French Guiana. It has one big mission. Ariane has to place two satellites into geostationary transfer orbits. This is first time when Arianespace's ELA-3 launch complex performed six Ariane 5 missions in one year. Arianespace's ELA-3 launch complex at the Spaceport is very famous and one from the world's most modern complexes and was built by Europe. This complex was built especially for Ariane 5 heavy&lift vehicle. It is able to lift off about 10 Ariane 5 missions per year. This year this spaceport prepared 6 missions, but in next few years it could be more and more. Maybe they will reach the number 10. Is it really possible? I don't know. But on their web page they have written, that they need only 20 working days to prepare a rocket to lift off the Earth. But is it right information? Rocket that was already lifted off is very useful for many reasons. This rocket has the British military communications satellite Skynet 5B on board. This satellite is designed to operate until 2020. Its position will be over the Indian Ocean. New spacecraft is designed to resist disruptions by lasers and electromagnetic pulses emitted by nuclear weapons. This new technology is also immune to jamming signals. Maybe this spacecraft will be very useful for our world, but results we will see only after few years.

Written by jana Kokavcova Edited by Zuzana Tylkova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Chris Cantell annouces Rychlost a pohodlie

Ako rychlo je dost rychlo a ako dobre je dost dobre? Standardy nasich zivotov sa menia ovela rychlejsie ako pocas minuleho storocia. Technologie nam davaju priestor na tvorbu fantazi bez hranic a limitov. Stare sci-fi filmy uz nie su len napadmi. Technologie sa vyvijaju zavratnou rychlostou a produkty ponukaju vysoku kvalitu svojim klientom na dennej baze. Cestovanie je ovela ine ako bolo pred 50-timi rokmi. Vedci vytvorili uzasne sposoby ako sa ihned dostat do vasej cielovej destinacie bez straty casu v trojdnovom exprese na zapadne pobrezie. Cesty su vystavane vo vysokej kvalite, kolajnice su rychlejsie a lietadla su schopne vziat vas kamkolvek chcete. Ako je to vsak s cestovanim na kratke vzdialenosti za pracou? Co v pripade, ze pracujeme v Parizi a byvame v Londyne? A co Brusel a diplomati EU? Je jednoduche spojit tieto vyznamne body Europy a cestovanie este sprijemnit? Problem je v tom, ze su trochu bizko seba na to, aby sme pouzivali lietadlo a trochu daleko na to, aby sme vyuzivali auto v medzinarodnych zapchach. Zda sa, ze riesenie by mohlo byt vo vlakovej deprave. Cesta z Bruselu do Pariza trva asi hodinu, z Pariza do Londyna asi dve a pol hodiny a z Londyna do Bruselu asi hodinu a patnast minut. Mnozstvo pasazierov na tychto linkach sa denne pohybuje v tisicoch. To je jeden z hlavnych dovodov preco Eurostar zacal celu vysoko-rychlostnu siet sluzieb medzi tymito popularnymi kozmopilitnymi mestami a svoju prepravu este zvysil. Nove pohodlne vlaky tak denne poskytuju lepsie sluzby pre vacsie mnozstvo ludi a efektivne sutazia s autami a lietadlami v ramci Europy. Zatial sa dokonca zdaju dost rychle.

Written by Natalia Holvova Edited by Zuzana Tylkova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Chris Cantell annouces Speed and comfort

How fast is fast enough and how good is good enough? The standards of our lives are changing much faster than during the last century. Technologies are giving us space to create fantasies without borders and without any limits. The old sci-fi movies are not just ideas anymore. Technologies are developing at high speed and products provide high quality to costumers on daily basis. Transportation is much different than 50 years ago. Scientists composed amazing ways how to get to your final destination immediately without wasting time in three days express to the West coast. Rotes are made in a great condition, rails are faster and planes are able to take you wherever you want. How about short distance transportation for work? What in case we are working in Paris and living in London? What about Brussels and EU diplomats? Is it easy to connect these important European spots and make traveling even more comfortable? The problem is that they are little bit too close to each other to use planes and little bit too far to use car in the international traffic. The solution seems to be in train transportation. The trip from Brussels to Paris takes about an hour, from Paris to London about two and a half hour and from London to Brussels about an hour and fifteen minutes. The number of passengers on these tracks is circulating in thousands every day. That is one of the main reasons why Eurostar began an entirely high-speed train service between these popular cosmopolitan cities and made transportation even faster. New comfortable trains can this way provide better services for bigger amount of travelers and effectively compete with cars or planes within Europe. They seem fast enough so far.

Written by Natalia Holvova Edited by Zuzana Tylkova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Chris Cantell annouces eBay"s bomb suspicions

On Wednesday, around 9 a.m., eBay's headquarters were evacuated due to a suspicious-looking package, found in the company's mailroom. Everything turned out to be a false alarm and the evacuated employees were allowed to return to their daily tasks. EBay's spokesman Hani Durzy did not gave any details of the incident, nor about what triggered the suspicion of bomb. This event happens about a year distance after at another eBay office in North San Jose someone set off a pipe bomb. Although no one was injured by the blast, it did create a sort of concerns that eventually were put off due to the lack of leads that ended the investigation. More than 200 employees were evacuated from one of the nine buildings of the online auction company's headquarters. All the fuss was stirred by a package found by workers in the mailroom. There is no information on what lead to the conclusion that the package contains a bomb. According to San Jose police officer Jermaine Thomas the dispatchers were informed about the suspicious package 24 minutes after the workers found it. In consequence the intersection of Bascom and Hamilton streets on the border between San Jose and Campbell was also blocked during the inspection of the threatening object. Durzy said that the entire matter is not unusual and despite the fact that it happened before, because eBay is a company and an entity in Silicon Valley threats like this are supposed to take place. All the other companies have to deal with the same thing. So, buy now, while you still can. Who knows what maniac will blow up the famous online auction company and there goes the chance for an average worker to acquire cheap things. Enjoy!

Written by Claudia Sonea Edited by Zuzana Tylkova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

Chris Cantell annouces IMs helps teens with their social affairs

Phenomenon called "IMs" saves time, security either embarassing situations. Is this why is instant messaging mainly between teenagers so popular? The researches say that among youngsters about half a girls and more than a third of boys use this kind of communication to express things they would never do private. The most frequent reasons are effort to stay in anonymity, to avoid not always funny so called "OMG" uncomfortable situations. The instant messaging is favorite also by asking people out of dates. They can feel more confident and also be able to get through a possible rejection. On the other hand, they use the advantage to brake up not face to face. Young students say, they are not wasting time with IMing. While messaging they are doing their homeworks, downloading music, videos, checking e-mails, online shopping, uploading photographs or updating their blogs if social network profiles. The most popular instant messaging programs handling several billion IMs per day, are for example Yahoo Inc, Microsoft Corp. or AOL. Teens are naturally more likely to use IM's than adults. While adults frequently prefer telephone calls like more appropriate way of communication, in general it depends on the age, main subject of commuinication and current situation. Youngsters are also far likely to send photos or document files, and chat with more people at the same time. By many positives, on the other side, the instant messaging has also many disadvantages. People preferring chatting are loosing proximity, touch, and the special authentic feeling they can obtain just by face to face meeting.
Written by Zuzana Blazeckova Edited by Zuzana Tylkova
These news are brought to you by CantellTV, its technology partner SigEx Telecom and its founder Chris Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers. Chris Cantell retains consulting arrangements with several pre-IPO companies.

jeudi 21 février 2008

The big boss

I have always liked that idea in old movies, when people were hiding their money in socks or under their bed. It was so cute. They were always worried about it. These days everybody knows, that this is not the safest way how to protect your money. We have many possibilities where to put it - we have so many banks to choose. Especially in the country big like the US. There are tons of banks. Like in every other country, they have to have a special system how to coordinate these banks and protect people. In the US is this system called Federal Reserve System. It's something like a central bank of the US. It has many functions, like fighting (of course in a special financial way) against financial crisis, strike the "gap" or difference between private banks and parts of government, which take care of money, regulate this private institutions. This system also represents the US in the world economics markets, and provide financial services for the government. Very important part of its functions is managing of nation's monetary supply and high employment, stable prices in the whole county and of course it manage interest rates. Right now they are discussing about this rates, maybe they will be able to put these rates on lower level at the end, so they can take at least 0.5 off. All this because the Federal Reserve System, called also FED, is trying to help their slow economics. The meeting should be done on Wednesday. So we will see how it will end.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.

Is the Earth in save?

Our world is still in danger. I hope we do not have to think about the end of world yet but scientists still monitor Earth and space. Just in case. There is a lot of movies in which happen some disaster and people try to save their lives. And of course in this horrible situation, close to death they fall in love. These movies always finish with happy end. Maybe we don't realize that this situation can really happen but there don't have to be very nice end. Technology and science help us to monitor and solve some problem. We can be happy that there is a lot of people interested in it and they work for us. Spy satellite is one part of technology. It is communication satellite which inform us about the situation in space. This satellite was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California in 2006. It is called L-21 It is expected its crash on the Earth the next moth. But don't worry, our planet consist of water in 75 percent and there is a lot of land without people so it shouldn't fall in to populated area. They said that they had no control over the satellite. To be honest I don't understand it. How can they launch anything to the space and then don' t have control. I am afraid that if some disaster really happened it would be people's mistake. Spy satellite shouldn't crash to Earth but it is now. What can happen later? What is waiting for us? Maybe the next time it will tumble on your your city and on your house. It is horrible imagination. And then people from NASA just say you that they are sorry but they didn't have control over it. Maybe there is many space objects which crashed on the Earth and people don't know about it. The reason can be that satellite or something similar fell on empty area or because the effect was really wrong and maybe it killed somebody but they had to hide it. People should be very careful. Specially scientists who take care about all world and their actions could influence our existence.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

These news are brought to you by CantellTV, it's technology partner SigEx Telecom and it’s founder Christopher M. Cantell. CantellTV is the fastest growing provider of digital broadcasting coupled with enhanced communications, allowing people to easily control, view, upload and share digital content through proprietary interface. CantellTV has relationships with a growing network of international clients delivering millions of videos per day with more than 50,000 new videos uploaded and 200 hours of new TV shows broadcasted daily to a wide range of viewers, from 5 to 7 year olds of LiveCartoons; to 16 to 24 year old active social users of MyJumps; to fortune 50 corporate clients utilizing enhanced broadcasting services. CantellTV is committed to delivering infinite choices to your world of entertainment at the tip of your fingers.