jeudi 21 février 2008

Exchange rate & boring?

Money...they are so important for people. Dollar, euro, crown, yen, pound...we just love them. Their valuation is still in move. One day dollar is $1.4785 against the euro, $1.9860 against the pound or Y105.99 against the dollar. But the other day it is different. Everything is just only about numbers. Do you understand it? Why? How can anybody be interested about it? Maybe it is a little boring but we have to realize that these numbers are very important because they influence a lot of things. It would be better to fix it and not move. But there is a lot of factors which influence it. For example war, turbulent world and people's wish to be king of the world. The price of oil depends on dollar. What is situation now? Dollar is still lower now and the price of oil is very high. Then naphtha, electric, cosmetics are expensive. Yes, cosmetics. Do you know that oil is very important part for making of cosmetics? All your dopes, body lotions, perfumes...They need oil. World needs energy. Of course, it depends on oil. Defect of black gold, how people call it, is global problem. Do you know what can happen? After 50 years we will have no oil, no energy, maybe no cosmetics. We should more think about it and try to save it. Scientists try to invent something what we can use instead of it. But it is very difficult. Exchange rate is also important for traveling. Today, a lot of people, specially students travel because they want to earn money. Because the exchange rate is profitable and they can earn more money in foreign country like at home. Then all of these travelers became economist and suddenly they start to understand crazy numbers and they know what is the most profitable for them. I know that sometimes exchange and numbers are boring but it is also about something else. Firstly money, so just think what money mean for you. And also it is about our world, which is only one and we have to save it.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

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