mercredi 20 février 2008

Recession, Microhoo, Wall Street, Wendy's, Whatever

All people who pay attention to what's going on in this world have been keeping their eye out for how the situation on the Wall Street looks like, how is the Dow Jones index reacting, how is the market performing, are listening carefully to what Fed's official are talking about and what the Bush's administration is going to do, are being interested in analyzing forecasts about whether US economy is tending to be in a real trouble (the economists call it recession) or they all gonna survive without significant damages so they can relax for a while. And all those world-consciousness people had to notice that balance is really delicate thing. One bad quarter report and numbers are bad, one short news about technology giant interested in buying an equity stake in another one and suddenly there's a flash of hope (even though the Microhoo thing is not likely to be successful. Nice try to beat the Google with really positive side-effect, though). Investors all around the world are taking a rest. Well, but all that calm is just quite deceptive. Maybe they are not doing anything visible, but they are impatiently waiting and turning their eyes on the new data and financial reports (of News Corp., Wendy's International among the others) to see if those can help to boost the weak US economy or not so they can reconsider what's gonna be their next step. What will they be going through? Heaven or hell? How will the hell look like? And how bad is really bad? Who knows? The balance is really delicate thing.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

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