jeudi 21 février 2008

Is the Earth in save?

Our world is still in danger. I hope we do not have to think about the end of world yet but scientists still monitor Earth and space. Just in case. There is a lot of movies in which happen some disaster and people try to save their lives. And of course in this horrible situation, close to death they fall in love. These movies always finish with happy end. Maybe we don't realize that this situation can really happen but there don't have to be very nice end. Technology and science help us to monitor and solve some problem. We can be happy that there is a lot of people interested in it and they work for us. Spy satellite is one part of technology. It is communication satellite which inform us about the situation in space. This satellite was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California in 2006. It is called L-21 It is expected its crash on the Earth the next moth. But don't worry, our planet consist of water in 75 percent and there is a lot of land without people so it shouldn't fall in to populated area. They said that they had no control over the satellite. To be honest I don't understand it. How can they launch anything to the space and then don' t have control. I am afraid that if some disaster really happened it would be people's mistake. Spy satellite shouldn't crash to Earth but it is now. What can happen later? What is waiting for us? Maybe the next time it will tumble on your your city and on your house. It is horrible imagination. And then people from NASA just say you that they are sorry but they didn't have control over it. Maybe there is many space objects which crashed on the Earth and people don't know about it. The reason can be that satellite or something similar fell on empty area or because the effect was really wrong and maybe it killed somebody but they had to hide it. People should be very careful. Specially scientists who take care about all world and their actions could influence our existence.

Edited by: Katarina Bosanska

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